The Slurm job scheduler on the High Performance WiWi Cluster (HPC3)
Contents |
1 Introduction
2 Cluster topology & hardware specs
3 Submitting jobs
3.1 Batch jobs
Slurm provides support for unattended execution of jobs on the cluster's resources , which is perhaps the most common way of using it (batch mode). For this purpose, a shell script is passed to the job scheduler, containing
- the commands to be executed and
- some extra information for the slurm job scheduler (optional).
Let us take a closer look at how to create such a script. We start with the first line, telling the OS which kind of UNIX shell to use for interpreting the commands in the script.
Then we add a series of directives for the slurm job scheduler, each starting with a '#SBATCH'. Although the '#' character usually indicates a comment, this specific string gets interpreted by slurm and allows to set various options.
#SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node=16 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-core=1 #SBATCH --partition=mem_0064 #SBATCH --qos=normal_0064 #SBATCH --mail-type=BEGIN,END #SBATCH